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mine bombs

Regular price R$ 867.180,56 BRL
Regular price Sale price R$ 935.621,57 BRL
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mine bombs

Uncover the hidden dangers lurking beneath the ground - delve into the world of land mines and their devastating impact on individuals and communities worldwide.

Land mines, often insidious weapons concealed beneath the earth's surface, pose a significant threat to civilians and military personnel alike

These silent destroyers, remnants of past conflicts, maim and kill indiscriminately, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake

The insidious nature of land mines lies in their long-lasting effects, persisting years after conflicts have ended

Efforts to clear these deadly devices are ongoing but challenging, requiring specialized skills and resources

Awareness and support for mine clearance initiatives are crucial in safeguarding lives and fostering post-conflict recovery

Despite the progress made, the specter of land mines continues to haunt many regions, underscoring the urgent need for continued vigilance and action.

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